At the Clarisholm Alberta Longbow Safari, a memorial competition was held to raise money for 2 of the 'flock's' families. Their men were 'taken from them' while on a side trip on the way to the Safari, - white water rafting in Oregon - they fell from the raft and drowned this happening on their way to Clarisholm. The women, travelling together did not stop off in Oregon with them. What a shock for them. There was a full sized bull elk (red wooden disk over the heart) situated approximately 185 yards from the firing line. $1.00 per shot, being collected for the familes of the "lost men". After the archers had fired what seemed like hundreds of arrows, we'd trudge out onto the mound and collect our arrows, then try again. Thus we learned it's range. This target was to replicate after a fashion, the famous 185 yard shot that Howard Kill made on a bull elk, on film, in Yellowstone park. Howard's first arrow went over, his second stuck into the ground between the elk's feet. The elk actually kicked at it with a hind foot. The next arrow went right through both of his lungs. He took three or four steps in a tight circle and fell over. Howard used Grandpa (I think it's name), his 110 pound bamboo bow. Taylor and I shot close around 50 arrows at that red spot, never hitting the elk - we were short, we were long and once we finally "had the range", and shooting perfect height, we were in front or behind as the wind's strength fluctuated up and down. We all just happened to have a 20 to 30mph wind crosswind to deal with. After 2 or 3 days of shooting this contest, someone finally sunk a broadhead into the disk. Byron Fergusson (I think?) - put on a show for us, initially shooting foam target rings, hitting through the centre and having the rings left on the arrows, spinning around, then quarters, nickels and dimes out of the air, then Bayer's Asprin tablets, all thrown for him. |