Everybody has their way of remembering, I guess. Mine is making knives. Here's the latest. For an infantry officer serving in Iraq. If APO does their job he should get it by Christmas. I made the blade on Thanksgiving Day, so it has a bit more sentimental value for me. What's more, I made one for his Dad who just got home from Iraq. And I need to make one for his brother who is a Seabee who is also in Iraq! Materials mostly come from the local area: Blade; chainsaw bar {some I make from millsaws}. Grip scales; serviceberry cut and seasoned on the ranch here for about 5 years {some I make from Mountain Maple or occaisionally polypropelene}. Scabbard like they like them; lots of lash points for Molle gear plus the old-style wire bail for LC belt. These things are admittedly crude. I do all my own heat treating and THAT is 100%. They are basically indestructible. Edge on this one 53-55RC. |