W. Collath Söhne Drilling 12/65 +9,3x65R , SN 19386 https://auctionet.com/de/2160693-double-...h-sohne-kaliber W.Colath Söhne doublegun 12 ga, SN 21970 https://auctionet.com/de/2048663-schrotf...e-kaliber-12-65 W.Collath Söhne doublegun 16 ga, SN 19479 https://auctionet.com/de/62420-schrotfli...e-kaliber-16-70 W Collath Drilling with two barrel sets, one barrel set 3 16 ga shot gun barrels and the other two 8x58R and one 16 ga,SN 14293 https://www.appletreeauction.com/auction...rt-_B0B485D825/ W. Collath Drilling 12ga +9,3x65R, SN 13466 https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/d...22793951949562e |