What Edwin does is scary dangerous. Firing 50 BMG in a 12 gauge chamber and nothing bad happens---this time. The there is the youtube guy called Kentucky Ballistics, his Serbu 50 BMG blew up and came close to killing him. Edwin is an immigrant from Iran possibly of Armenian descent. He is reported to be a wealthy restaurant/hotel franchise owner. He makes some very outrageous video's and does not realize how dangerous what he is doing, is. The running theme of his early videos was finding object to hide behind that would stop bullets. He has a series of video's shooting a bowling ball mortar made from a pressure bottle. There is a safe way to make such a mortar The company in Utah that made Edwin's does not know how to properly make a pressure bottle bowling mortar. Edwin loads it with smokeless powder and shoots it. He Tips the mortar up and shots it like a cannon at objects. In the first couple of video he folds the steel tubing base in half and later you can see bulging in the pressure bottle. Yes, for some crazy reason I do watch his videos. |