What happens when your shooting organisation sells out hunters and shooters to ridiculous govt demans ... BASC I think it is, decided to agree to a complete phase out of lead shot for game shooting by a future date. Rendering many existing shotguns used for game shooting obsolete and in future useless. If only Bismuth could become commercial more available and at a cheaper price. The reason the shooting organisation betrayed British shooters was even after BREXIT the UK still kowtows to EU demands. The EU bans lead shot game meat. As many large shoots and game meat buyers export their birds to the EU for human consumption, these exports are threatened if any of the birds may have been shot with lead shot. So the BASC and others are insisting on only steel shot in the future. MAYBE on the plus side we might be able to buy some really nice shotguns designed only for lead shot! I would love a H&H or Purdey, WR or some other vintage side by side or even braces of them, at a fraction of today's prices. NO DOUBT our antis will try to bring this sort of BS to Australia and the USA/Can as well. I will ffffing use my guns no matter on private property anyway. Quote: Almost every shotgun I have or have used with fixed chokes seems to be choked as such It is very annoying. Full and full seems to be the normal, even extra full. Three-quarter is the minimum. The exception is my Tikka U/O with exchangable chokes. |