another one of the sn problems W. Colalth Söhne Drilling, 8x72R x16ga SN 17944 https://www.morphyauctions.com/jamesdjulia/item/51872-58-397/ W.Collath double gun, No. 3, SN 16813 https://www.icollector.com/Four-European...otgun_i18634494 W.Collath Söhne, Drilling 9(9,3) + 16ga, SN 18207 https://www.auctionzip.com/auction-lot/W.-COLLATH-SOHNE-FRANKFURT-A.O.-16-GA.-9MM_80C4895BF9/ W.Collath, Drilling, 11x65R + No. 4, SN 11246 https://www.k-bid.com/auction/10406/item/1 W.Collath Söhne, Drilling, 9,3x65R x 12 ga, SN 19632 https://www.gunauction.com/buy/8240315 W.Collath Büchsflinte 24ga bullet cartridge + C.3 ; SN 4556 https://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=357045 and no, the trigger guard is not original |