I’ve got a 16 gauge 2 1/2”. I have yet to find 2 1/2” shells in Canada so I cut the crimps off commercially available 2 3/4” shells, and roll crimp a waxed cardboard wad over the shot. The gun patterns well, is very light to carry and comes to the shoulder and balances beautifully. It sees some use hunting ruffed grouse (aka chickens in local parlance) but competes for my attention with a Grulla Armes Windsor in 28 gauge. I don’t do much waterfowl hunting so my 12 gauge only sees use on the clays fields which leaves my two sub gauge guns my undivided attention for hunting chickens. I dumped my cheapie truck gun .410 when I found new joy with the 28.
I had a (1902) 16 bore Husky with 2 1/2" chambers that had gentle leads into the bore. I found the Federal 2 3/4" hulls were actually only 2 5/8" long after firing so I just shot those. There was a slight curve (after firing) in the crimped part, but less than 1/8" long.