Remington 1100, all the way . We've had them on the farms for more than 40 yrs . They were the first semi auto shotgun that was gas operated and designed to be reliable . We handed in one during buy back which Dad also used in competition target shooting . It was made in 1950's , it would have had well over 100,000 rounds , he bought it secondhand from another comp shooter in 1970 . They will happily fire a 9 shell followed by a slug because of their gas system . Easy to strip and clean . Two pins hold the trigger cassette , pull out cocking handle and bolt comes out . The mag cap is easily unscrewed to change barrels . I can't think of ever having a jam or failure loading a cartridge . If possible see if you can get a 3" chambered one . The 11/87 Remington is also a reliable shotgun , I've never owned one but my neighbor has one , we shoot together a lot , I've used it on his property , never had a problem . 1100 Remington was used in Vietnam by SeALs , there was also a full auto version specifically made for the military . To give you an idea of how much the recoil is reduced , none of my 1100's have recoil pads just the plastic butt cover , they also point and swing well for controlling 28 parrots in flight . If you have spare cash a Bennelli, Berreta are also reliable .