Hunting with Falcons or Hawks or Eagles etc. is an old sport practised much before the advent of the shotgun or perhaps other weapons.I had heard a lot about this sport but never actually witnessed it until last year.On an ibex hunt in the Kirthar range,last winter i witnessed a lot of activity and decided to go and have a look alongwith my friends.The first thing i noticed were the vehicles,land rovers,nissans,cruisers etc.all specially built for hunting.Each jeep had two occupants in front and at the back were two more with hooded falcons on their wrists.Suddenly the vehicles stopped and the occupants jumped down and started pointing to a spot about 100 yds. away.I focused my binocs. at the spot and saw a houbra bustard taking off.It was abeautiful sight as the bird is very graceful in flight though a little slow.Suddenly out of nowhere a falcon appeared and dived down on it,the bird had no chance and within seconds it was in the grasp of the falcons talons. The Arabs from the middle east,i.e Dubai,S.Arabia.Oman etc.are crazy about this sport and spend literally millions of dollars on these hunts every season.The Houbra is their favourite game bird as according to legend(maybe fact)it has great aphrodisiac qualities. Well it may have been an interesting sport in the old days but somehow it did not appeal to me. |