W. Collath drilling in 16/65(stamped as 16) and 9,3x82R SN 16689 http://egun.de/market/item.php?id=5405242 Drilling in 16/65 and 8x57IR SN 1008 on the barrels "Walther Gewehrfabrik" and "Heidersbach R/Suhl" so it this was made later because of now unknown reasons for this Collath Drilling in Suhl. http://egun.de/market/item.php?id=5393785 kuduae hat some possible names Suhl-Heidersbach, Hauptstraße 12. Walther, Ferdinand. Suhl-Heidersbach. Inhaber: Walther, Erich. Jagdwaffenfabrikation. Suhl-Heidersbach, Eckstraße 19. Walther, Max Rudolf. Gewehrfabrik. to mention only the Walther living in Suhl Heidersbach |