apparently, it is "common" in rifles that are bounced around in the back of a truck for some time before the safety is released... I have read reports of 5-6 PHs that cited that exact issue with weatherbys... and have never seen a PH that was fond of weatherbys... they make some serious cartridges, but I have to take issue with them as a viable rifle for most hunters... it takes an effort for me not to flinch behind my 375H&H... I can't imagine what a 460wby feels like!!!
this is, of course, all supposition, but that feature alone on the wbys is enough to keep me away... its just not to my liking... although you are quite right with the in-line feeding... unfortunately it is a world of compromises that we live in... and to me, unplanned discharges, or the chance thereof, get you an e-ticket ride to the "hell no" dumpster.