(.300 member)
01/07/07 02:26 AM
Re: 416 Remington is it a good chocie for Africa?



7mm Rem.------61----62-----------52----54
.308 Win.-------62----60-----------52----52
.300 Win.-------64----62-----------54----54
.338 Win.-------64----62-----------54----54
.375 H&H-------62----62-----------53----54*
.416 Rem.------65----62-----------54----54

* 270 grain bullet?

Doesn't look like all that much difference to me but I'm not a real internal ballistics guy. Again, even if one is not comfortable with these pressures, why not download to .404 Jeffery velocity and have a gun that will do everything you want without paying big money for .404 brass or a generally pricey .416 Rigby action and brass? Surely, the .416 Rem lacks the "romance factor" but it sure makes up for it in terms of practicality.



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