(.375 member)
12/05/06 03:28 PM
Re: 12GA From Hell

I have figured out that all bullets for 500 S&W
will fit in the sabot Barnes uses in the
3/4 oz sabot load that Federal sells.Lighter
505 bullets will work also. And the front section of a 50 bmg bore rider bullet, it
is 2nd in picture in the sabot. It
is 470 grains, really streamlined.And
you can buy them by the ton, just cut back
portion that is .510 diameter off, and that leaves front part for a .500 dia bullet,
1.5 inches long..Good for armor plated chucks.First in picture is original
sabot with Barnes 3/4 oz hollowpoint slug.3rd is the 900gr 600NE slug in my sabot made from heavy shotcup. 4th on the miniature digital scale is an older Barnes .580 cal
saboted slug expanded, it's 435gr.Ed.

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