Ballistics can't be denied and the .378 sure puts forth a lot of ballistics!
But in practice, it's too much of a good thing for most folks. We have a lot of men in our area who have shot a lot of elk, a friend of mine as far as I can calculate a lot more than Elmer ever shot & that w/ .270/.30-06 class rifles. My primary elk guns are a 9.3x62 and .375 H&H but the idea that elk rifles need to be over .30 cal and range to 500 yards is ridiculous. Which was the point Jack O'connor made in his lifelong debate w/ ole Elmer. So the issue w/ the .378 or using the case, .338/.378 KT as a sort of standard for elk killing (or on other similar-sized game) is silly and frankly, borders on irresponsible if folks are encouraged to take very long shots where the heavy recoil of the rifles for most normal people does not mix well with the precision of shots demanded by the long range. None of this is secret tho and most hunters readily understand all of this which is why the .378 is virtually unknown around here and among many hunters, even those who train and shoot large ungulates at long range.
That's very true. Ballistics is a factual science.
But the effects of recoil is a physical one.
I can't see many people shooting accuracy with it.ican see lots of people flinching badly with it and not being able to hit a mountain.
I'm going to say that if the rdcoil is too heavy to shoot from a bench or prone, it's not an accurate long range cartridge for most.
Elmer Keith to my limited knowledge championed the .338 calibre as ideal. Which is nothing new. The .318 WR (.330) already existed, amild cartridge, not as a long range cartridge, but as an excellent larger medium game killer, up to and including elephant. Promoted by making an experienced African hunter. Works well on eland and on buffalo with reasonable shooting so would kill elk and moose easily. Being mild can be shot well by most.
Elmer Keith, apologies, sounds a bit of a dickhead. Probably would have promoted the Creedmoor today.
I got to know Elmer K. a bit, over the phone and some letters. I also have one of his books. In my honest opinion, Elmer may have recommended that 6.5 only as a deer ctg. and for shooting gophers and prairie dogs, of course. He liked big numbered ctgs. overall, when used on larger big game. Also, in my opinion, that 6.5 would be usable for anything the 6.5x55 and .260 Rem could be used for, just saying, which would include elk and moose.