(.224 member)
07/07/03 11:14 PM
375H&H question

Hello to All,

I'm new to the forum and I'm new to big bore hunting.

Why is the 375 H&H still popular as ever but very few would recommend a 338 Lapua Mag? Hunters commonly use as large as 416 Rigby's or 458 Lott but I have rarely heard of anyone using a 338 Lapua Mag or BMG .50 Cal.

I would agree that most 50 cals are too heavy to yomp around but are there other reasons behind this, apart from the fact that 375 H&H rounds are easily available?

I am 'seriously' thinking of getting a 375 H&H but wanted to know your take on using calibers such as 338 Lapua Mags as oppose to 375 H&H.

In addition, since these rifles weigh about the same and they have about the same point blank range, when in fact, the 338 Lapua Mag has greater velocity, why is the 375 H&H being favoured?

In closing, can someone tell me which 375 H&H rifle has a 5 round mag. I have been looking around and they all seem to have 2 or 3 round mags.

Thanks in advance

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