All these reasonably close calibre and cartridge choices come down to a few things,
Ballistic science.
Given an equally good well constructed bullet, of the same section density, driven at the same speed it should penetrate equally. A wider calibre bullet will kill better in these circumstances Fact.
Whether a .358 or .366 or .375 or .416.
Of course for the same SD the bullet weight must be more in larger calibres.
So a 9.3x62 in .366 pushing a lighter bullet say in the same SD maybe 286gr, as a .375 pushing a 300 gr same SD (?) bullet faster is an inferior ballistic science choice. Because velocity is less and calibre and wound channel is less. Fact. Simple.
Does it mean anything less or different for an animal? If you are already overkilling an animal probably not. If the cartridge is marginal already, probably yes in some cases.
Does it mean anything to rifle design and useability? Yes,. a shorter cartridge can be used in a shorter more usable rifle. A big difference? Not really unless a different rifle design is available, eg a semi auto, lever action, shorter rifle etc.
Note I have assumed such things as equally effective bullet construction. Not always a given.
Availability of components? A completely different scenario.
All this is on the margins. A step by step marginality. Not a big difference between a 9.3x64 and .375 H&H. A small but practical difference between a 9.3x62 and .375. A bigger difference to a .358 and .375. A large difference between a .375 and .338 etc.
The main choices here are legality, history, what you like for some reason, rifle design etc. I prefer the .375 for its British history and vintage. It is effective. I have one, a big consideration. It is very very accurate. A classic design. A bit unusal, it is a standard action, so does need experience in loading the magazine. The narrel was an odd one as previously detailed. But it all works.
I have thought of a 9.3x62 but really do I need one if I have a .375? No. The .375 is better anyway. Why not actually use the existing rifle more and actually hunt with it more! A .375 bolt action makes a wonderful second rifle to my .450 double rifle.
However these sorts of articles give us an opportunity to argue so are good value.
John Your last point is one reason I posted this.. KNEW it would draw some crossfire.. keeps the site "lively"..