Finding 416 rem brass in oz is a PITA. Winchester imports about 700 norma cases a year and I bought 100 @ $4 each. Hornady was abot half price but after a year waiting on my order the importer never brought them in.
I have 400 rnsp and 450 rnsp from woodleigh.
As you would know they can be made out of 375H&H brass. Just a pain in the arse fire forming them. Try Rebel Gunworks and The Barn. I have found obscure brass from Norma, Nosler, Federal and Hornady at these places. Also might be worth checking with Bruce Bertram to see if he makes it.
Yes - easy. All you need is a .44 magnum expander die. Take the expander out and turn a taper on the nose down to about .35". I have pictures but no way of posting them here.
I use a similar die to expand 8x57, .30/06 and .35 Whelen out straight (.430") in one pass (before necking to .366 or .375), without losing a single case if using new brass.
I lost only 5 cases out of 200 OLD much fired .30/06 cases I had picked up here or there. That was from .30 to .44 in one pass. .375 to .43 should be a cake walk. Then, you side them down in your .416 FL die to get the shoulder in the correct location for a CRUSH fit for the first firing. That way, they will never stretch and separate above the web, unless you create excessive headspace on THAT brass by shoving that 'new' shoulder back when you should not.
That's good information Daryl..
Thank you for posting...