Well, probably someone of you knows that in most part of Switzerland the minumim caliber allowed for hunting is 10,3x65R. You can hunt with larger caliber but not with smaller. Probably this the reason why RWS from several years is studing a new cartridge based on this caliber. The case is a belted one, so this mammo doesn't came from the 8x68S since the old 8 is not belted. The range of bullet is wide, probably because they are interested both in swiss market (for alpine gams hunting the 200 grains bullet is perfect although i hate Evo green bullet) and in safari merket. A lot of german and european hunter hunt in Africa every year. The venerable 9,3x64 is unfortunately waning, and RWS doesn't have any proprietary caliber for Africa. Right now blaser is the only producing barrels in this caliber, but soon i bet Mauser and Sauer wil do. Work in progress. Doc |