The model 70 and model 70-style triggers were OK - good in fact & I like them. They just weren't as nice as a tang safety for a shooting rifle that would be carried chambered and safety-on. With my Mausers, I usually carry one in the mag., bolt open, or bolt closed on an empty chamber then chamber the single round in the magazine and fire when needed. I never purposely hunted dangerous game & one round is usually all I've needed, over the years for the game I do hunt. I'm pretty good at throwing a second in and closing the bolt on it for a fast-enough, second shot. My .375 and 9.2x63 will climb the rim just fine. Again - haven't hunted dangerous game - although have felt a bit "under-gunned" stumbling into a grizzly's living/crapping/bed room, when packing a #1Ruger in .218 Bee - tang safety and all. LOL |