Have got loads of boxes of bullets in less then 300 gr (.375) and some less than 400 gr (.404), but so far only used the full weight projectiles. Usually I carry the rifle for buffalo, scrub bull, etc plus other game encountered, such as donkeys and pigs in Aust, and plains game in Zimbabwe and South Africa. I just use the same bullet for all, a 300 gr Woodleigh Weldcore Round Nose, in the case of the .375. Have used factory 270 gr ammo for the .375. Probably shot targets with it. I would like a 300 gr or sub-300 gr projectile in the .404 assuming it did not require a large price. Really only used very expensive factory ammo for the .404 so far. Need to build up handloads for it. Maybe a summer project. One day I will get around to making new loads for the rifles, and try out some some lighter bullets. I'm keen to try the 235 grainers. ALSO MUST try out some much cheaper projectiles than Woodleighs, eg Bertrams, for any BGRC use. |