Nothing personal, this quote is just convienient to illustrate my point... In reply to: Well, Jeffery ignored the .425 Westley Richards of 08/09. And then Rigby ignored both WR, and Jeffrey's Cartridges when they came out with thier own .416. (the ballistic twin of the .425WR - so what was the need???) Remington ignored all three cartridges when it came out with it's own .416 variant. Talk about isolation. As did Dakota, Lazzeroni, and Weatherby. Oh, Holland and Holland did too - but they're Holland and Holland. I'm sure I missed a few things, but I believe my logic is sound: Whenever we critique someone for introducing a new .400 class cartridge - "Because it offers nothing new ballistically!" - then we must apply those harsh words equally to every .400 class cartridge and gunmaker that introduced a new .400 class cartridge after the .425 WR in 1908. |