I think one of the things I like best about this forum is when a member takes an old military rifle ;in most cases in poor condition and or missing parts ,and with skill and love turns it into a superb sporting rifle as did Rigby, Jeffery and Holland & Holland he is not vilified and verbally crucified by the membership. Some of our best threads are indeed other members helping and supplying information for the project. To me many of these " collectors" look past the true worth of a rifle which is what it was designed for ;to USE ! and not as an object of monetary value. It is most common for members of this forum to show pictures of themselves hunting in tough bush conditions with very expensive double rifles and bolt repeaters. I have seen on other forums downright nastiness to a member who tried to post pictures of a project .Its ok to have an opinion up until you start to insult and attack a person for it . None of that on NitroExpress and thank the gods for it! |