hello Deishu i have been using a Mark X since 1982. it is a .338 win mag so it is built on a standard-length action. is your .375 H&H on a magnum-length action, or did they use a standard-length action and undercut the front receiver ring? i know that harry selby's super-famous .416 rigby was on a standard-length mauser action. the only pitfall there -- besides weakening the action when you cut out metal -- is the cartridge feeds at a steeper angle, i.e. less reliably. i have been 100.00% satisfied with my 1982-vintage Zastava-made Mark X. it was the first expensive custom rifle i ever built; couldn't afford one before then! i chose the Mark X action with great care after extensive reseArch. then i had harry mcgowen do an accuracy job on the action, barrel it with a premium barrel, add a canjar trigger with tang safety, and then his son stocked it for me. i put over $2,000 into it in 1982 dollars, so that shows you how highly i thought of the Zastava action. and i got my money's worth! i finally had to rebarrel it last year after 22 years service. i had harry do that, of course. the only caveat i would give you is to have a really fine gunsmith go thru and smooth out the action for dangerous game -- polish the follower, the rails, the raceways, lap the lugs etc. that's not quite the same as having david miller or a-square make it into a world-class dangerous game rifle but it sure will eliminate 90% of the most common hangups. good luck & good hunting lapsub |