(.224 member)
15/05/13 10:34 PM
Re: A custom rifle from Denmark



Lovely rifle as are the others on the facebook and on here.

Is there plans to make your own actions?

Would love to see some groups.

Thank you for the kind words Nitro.

The original plan was to start a production of our own Mauser 98 actions, but at the time it wasn't a viable option and it still isn't. That said, the dream still is to design an action of our own some day, but for now we're using the original FN Mauser 98 or brand new Granite Mountain Mauser 98's. Legendary actions and still the best in the world according to many, so for now we live by the words: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

I'll get a rifle down on the shooting range soon and post some pictures of the groups on Facebook for you.


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