Good news, We got a few samples from the first production run of 585HE cases from Bertram, to test for strength and measure for uniformity. They all measure perfect and especially the belt length headspace, which was all within the .270" length minus .004".specs I asked for. He made part of run, about a 1000 without headstamp..And over 3000 with headstamp. Over 4000 total. Cases only 3 bucks each, if you get in on the first bulk shipment right away..Still time before he ships.I want as many bulk freight shipped as we can. Got money in for about 1000 so far. The few he shipped by mail to test, cost $1.50 postage each, so that is why we want to get the numbers in the much cheaper bulk freight order as big as possible.Folks in AUS order direct from him. I tested some moderate loads(650gr @ 2400) in NEF, CBC, Pedretti break actions and didn't need sizing on the bottom 2/3. Cases fell out. Real tough built cases, Fired couple 650gr at 3000 in Enfield and extracted ok, and resized ok back down to specs.About a 62k psi load. Pockets tight. He supplies same base cases for 408 Cheytac, used with hot military sniper loads that run real high average pressures.So maybe we have a winner.He will be making these Cheytac case runs regular so we can get our cases made anytime we get money built up for a run.Here are pictures. First is old on left and new on the right sectioned, showing how heavy built the new cases are, as well as Cheytacs he makes that has same base inside.Our 585 is belted and he uses different header, than for the Cheytac/Gibbs bases one which uses a header with no belt. Second is top view of cases new and old. On the left is 4 new ones that come with no headstamp that I stamped, and the 6 new ones in the middle has a 585 stamp. He made a 1000 without headstamp and over 3000 with stamp. Third side view with some in # 31 holders.No special holders needed. Notice how uniform belts are. 4th is one with AP bore rider bullet in with others behind. Maybe have a military use, saving brass and use smaller actions than bmg and 14.5 Russ. With about the same power as a bmg. Ed Here is the breach picture of that 12ga O/U made by Armi-Lumar. It has the bottom barrel rifled right from factory, top barrel smooth, with interchangeble chokes. A real neat gun. |