I had a 1999 in 375 H&H with a MRC barrel that was a true 1/2 moa rifle out past 300 yards with the 270 Barnes TSX loaded with either RL 15 or Varget. Smooth as silk and fouled less than any other barrel I had include all the top end customs. It was very effective rifle in Namibia. I was one of the first to put up money on the Ph. My action is ready and should be barreled by them next week in 505 Gibbs. I am trying to get every thing put together by 4/24/2010 for a little yearly shoot in Houston. Its going in a MPI CZ 550 mag stock built extra heavy ( I will be doing the finishing and hope I can get her done in time). There is something fishy about the whole NRA ban. First its the English version of the NRA (no ties to the US club) banning a US maker with no details. I have heard it was factory ammo, I have heard it was reloads, I want to know how many times the rifle has been fired before the failure with out problems. Nobody goes to a national completion with a unproven rifle. Why would it fail then, what changed? I spoke to Jeff (president of MRC) He wants to get to the bottom of this but is not getting access to the action. He has seen photo's of the rifle and case. The case head exploded, the top of the receiver ring blew out, the bolt and locking lugs held. Higher than normal psi must have been involved. He told me that the rifle had been proofed, if the rifle had been repeatedly shot before to the completion head space problems would have made themselves known. It does not added up that its the action fault, based on what I know of completion shooters prepping for a big completion and ammo problems both factory and reloads. I do not know the event,are their loads required for the completion, If so could some one be trying to avoid blame? I do not know Jeff personally ,and have only spoken to him 3 times, my impression is that he is a stand up guy. JD |