Quote:Quote: Quite so. The most spectacular miss ever I had was at a moose walking past me @ about 20 meters - I was shooting my uncle's rifle and vowed never to shoot a borrowed one again. Well, this year in Zim that was precisely what I had to do. To add injury to insult, I don't own and have virtually never shot scoped bolt-actions so this was a disaster waiting to happen. Before the trip I borrowed two similarish bolt guns for practice, and dry fired every evening and went to the range a lot. Additionally, I bought a scoped .22 for practice. Once there, I did Swedish drill (why is it called so? Because that's the only drill they get, ot having been in was for some three hundred years?) every evening to the extent the the rattle of the bolt and the click of the striker coming from my room became known as "sound of Africa". But: I did perform well, doing one-shot kills only. Also when sighting in the rifle on the range I burned a lot of ammo irrespective of the highish cost. I did miss once (well, twice: I fired twice and missed both...) due to looking through the scope wrong. More dry practice cured this ill. So: practice as much as you can before the trip; and during the trip whether your own gun or a borrowed one. Ammo spent on the range is not ammo wasted! - Lars/Finland |