Hi, I went out to the range yesterday to continue load development. For the first time I'm actually considering a lead sled. I shot five 3 shot groups using the Barnes 570g TSX with both H4895 (98 to 101 grains) and RL-15 (101 to 105 grains) ending at the recommended max for each in the Barnes Manual #4. Once I got close to the max (which showed no pressure signs at all) off of the bench. To say it was painful would be an understatement. I did not develop a flinch, but I could see it happening if I continued much longer (I shot 15 rounds from the bench (sitting), some (6 rounds) just over 2300 fps. The difference in recoil between a 570g bullet at 2100 fps and 2300 fps is striking. That coupled with the bench rest being too low which tended to focus the recoil high up on the shoulder/collar bone area made an impression. I have an ice bag on it now lol, pictures should it bruise up beautifully (which it did) will follow NOT. I was shooting between 1.5" to just over 2" groups at 200 yards so accuracy was fine with all loads. I only have a 1.5 - 5x scope so a lot of the error was in sight picture as well as the shooter, the rifle is more accurate than me as is usually the case. So folks, yes you were right of course, 2300 fps sucks lol. Shooting the 500 Jeffrey at relaxed 500 NE levels is fine (570g at 2100 fps), I'm sure off of sticks or offhand all of the loads I shot today would've been fine, but even though I intend to really limit any bench shooting, I want to be able to shoot a limited amount of rounds from the bench for load development and sight in without pain. I guess I've found my recoil tolerance level lol. So next time better posture (shoot more upright), and I purchased a Limbsaver slip on to go over my Decelerator XLT lol. I needed the extra LOP (at least that's what I keep telling myself). No lead sled yet ... So my lovely 500 Jeffrey and I continue to get acquainted. I won't take her for granted so easily again, I was getting just a little too comfortable with her and she taught me a lesson . Thanks all for all of your help, going to give the shoulder a couple of weeks to recover then back to the range with some reduced velocity cast lead loads for a change ... Some lessons you just have to learn the hard way Chuck _________________________ |