No worries Hommer - sorry if my post came over too strong. On reflection, perhaps I should not have referred to abrasives in general. The Montana X-treme copper creme is not an abrasive paste like JB or Losso and that is probably why when I use it I do not get the black patches from a clean bore that you and Daryl referred to. I agree those should be used very sparingly to avoid lapping the barrel and probably restricted to the throat only. Copper cream is not nearly as coarse as those and designed for barrel break-in or regular use to remove fouling in conjunction with a chemical cleaner. I was put onto it by a barrel maker (cannot remember if Broughton or Pac-Nor) when researching a new barrel once. Maybe its an old habit that is redundant now with wipe/patch-out, but it works and I haven't noticed any adverse effects... Happy cleaning!