9Three, I never said their bullets are bad, even though I have seen a few failures. Some-one has to be second, and if you ask me, I put them second. In fact, I left them off my reccommendation list for a while. I have sent them some of the failed bullets, plus a box of unopened ones, plus some that I have pulled, (at considerable cost to me) plus had one of my client's send them another one at their request, to test. The promsises made and then broken after that just pissed me off. I never had ANY feedback on the matter again, and evenb though they promised to send me several boxes of bullets, they have not even replaced the ones that I have send them. Plain and simple. If you want, I can send or post you all the email correspondence I had with their owner/ boss, to give you a better idea. Unfortunately, the 40min call I had from him, I did not record, but refernce is made to it in the correspondance. |