(.224 member)
14/11/08 03:35 AM
Re: .375H&H and Woodleigh bullets?

It seems from all that is said by the experienced Woodleigh users here that the secret to them being successful is to keep them to their recomended (moderate?) speed. Now I firmly believe that moderate speed IS ALWAYS advisable for deep straight penetration so theres no problem there, but...

the original question was how to create something of an "allrounder" in a 375 H&H and to this end maybe a bit of velocity is an advantage (in case of those longer shots on plainsgame?) so why consider a bullet that specifically is only recomended to work reliably at moderate velocity? This is a compromise.

I think the day they invent the absolute perfect hunting bullet for all conditions will be a sad day because what fun is a world with no such debate, and I enjoy the variety available to "play with" but I still say, for that particular calibre and for that degree of variation in use I'd be sticking with the A-Frame.....

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