CptCurl You would have had a great time. You and the bride are expected to be here next year for the British makers day. We had a great day at the Nationals! with some really great guns good shooting and the cameraderie of everybody present. None of it would have happened without the volunteers who jumped in and did anything and everything that was required to make it a smooth flowing day. The scorers ,range officers,target runners , and what about that spectular lunch that Amelia Kenny cooked up for us Pea and ham hock soup as well as smoked salmon soup .Wonderful on a cold wet day. Curried Venison ( Sambar)Stew,Roast Lamb and Gravey rolls Wine Trifle' Muffins Scones strawberry jam & cream. WOW WHAT A LUNCH. THANK YOU AMELIA and your kitchen helper Jan Wright. The Photagraphers John Hahn and Wayne Russell Also the hard working crew from our hosts .The Blue Hills Range. Thank you all for your help. sbs470 |