Quote: Good heavens!! I can only imagine the mayhem that thing would have created in the confines of a kill floor. I'm thinking that if I was his supervisor I'd have sent him packin', too!! ![]() I have 5 butcher sheep on-the-hoof that need to be packed on ice soon, I'll try not to make the same mistake! ![]() By the way, Shakari, your general suggestion in your first post about shooting lots of game for practise with the DG rifle is well taken, but in the USA, opportunities for such shooting are extremely limited. For example, the nature of most varmint shooting {where large numbers of critters, albeit little} are shot calls for a highly specialized, accurate rifle, particularly when the target is small and the ranges extended. Some areas have large enough pig populations for fellows to get some real shooting in, and of course there are some little critters like ground squirrels that are shot up close and where an iron-sighted rifle {or somebody's DG rifle} can be used as I do on my place, but the guy that gets lots of opportunity to shoot large numbers of decent-sized game or even butcher stock for that matter is a rare one indeed, so maybe the next best bet might be Hoppdoc's Boston Whaler with a Longhorn Steer head wired on the bow!! ![]() |