I hope you won't be offended by my saying that from my experience, there is no such thing as a realistic way at a range etc to practice shooting DG. - My advice would be that your time would be far better spent practicing and getting to know your chosen rifle. Forget pretty and expensive targets etc or moving target set ups at the range - because they won't help you.- If you can, try to find some kind of local hunting that offers fast snap shooting as well as more controlled shooting. - maybe something like wild pigs or similar. - and do it with the same rifle you'll be taking to Africa. The key to shooting DG well, is to know your rifle at least as well as a woman knows the contents of her handbag. - And the only way to do that is shoot the rifle at live targets as often as you possibly can. The next best thing is to practice target acquisition. Try sitting at home in front of the TV with a wildlife programme on, and use the rifle to try to get up and on target before the picture changes. Ahother thing that might help, is to get out to somewhere where you'll see large mammals of some kind. It doesn't matter whether it's horses in the park or hippos at the zoo...... any large mammal will do. Then spend your time thinking about where you'll be putting the bullet. Remember angles change and rather than thinking about where you'll put the bullet on the outside of the animal, think about where the engine room or other target area will be, and where you need to place the bullet to penetrate the appropriate target area. |