I have not a very large experience with hunting in Africa. Anyhow all the PHs I saw or used where young (<35)athletic guys..........of course not drinking and not smoking or very few. What shocks me are 2 facts : 1) the PH makes the client shoot a not ascertained animal, especially when looking for a trophy animal??????? 2) the PH let the wounded buff get away??? The rule N°is never ever abandon a wounded animal. When it happens, the hunt stops, no exceptions. One has to recover this animal or prove that the animal is sane. The hunt is finished until this problem is solved, even though it ruins a couple of hardearned hunting days. Paradox, I don't want to be obnoxious, but it's your role too to make sure that the PH don't bend the rules. I wish Graham H will solve Your problem : it's really amazing that he let 2 unfit PHs guiding? Good luck |