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17/06/07 08:25 AM
Update on Jimmy the Rhino

Hello Everyone

I hope you are all having a great weekend. For those of you who read my first post on our orphan rhino Jimmy and expressed interest and support, sorry this update has taken so long to come about.

Jimmy has gone from strength to strength from, let's say, day 4. Anne Whittall was away for his first few days at 'Hotel Humani', and we decided to keep him in a confined little pen until her return. Not very hospitable, but we were nervous he'd make a getaway during the night if we didn't keep him under lock and key. Jim was a seriously disturbed little rhino for those few days. All that changed when Anne returned, however, and he was released into the garden. Everyone had strict instructions to keep all gates closed at all times, and Jimmy had the run of the garden. From that moment, his character began changing. Over the last few months, Jimmy has turned from an angry and aggresive little tyke into a relaxed, friendly individual. Before he did not trust most everyone and he delivered many a knee popping headbutt, but now he enjoys the company of people a great deal. This may not be such a good thing - he will have to return to the wild one day. Jimmy prefers women to men, and this is solely because of Anne, whom he understands perfectly well is his mother. Anne feeds Jimmy 5 or 6 times a day and he consumes 15 litres of milk in the course of those feeds. He now browses around the garden a little, picking at leaves but not eating much. He seems more curious about eating leaves than anything else. As though he knows he should be, but just can't bring himself to do it. He eats a handful of livestock cubes several times a day. Well, he eats a few and pushes the rest about the place.

Jimmy is not allowed into the house but it seems he doesn't know this. At times, he likes to come into the lounge and socialize with us. When he is feeling neglected he squeaks his indignation, and people jump around. We have what is supposed to be a rhino proof steel gate blocking off the verandah entrance to the house, but Jimmy butts it over and enters anyway. A couple of days ago he did this and the heavy steel gate fell on top of him. Then he squealed in anger and wouldn't let me near him for about 30 minutes. I think and hope it has taught him a lesson. Anne treated his minor wounds with some antiseptic spray and he looks pretty hilarious with blue splotches on his back.

Jimmy has quite a few friends now - the dogs, two orphan cows and the orphan buffalo. He also introduced himself to a family of warthogs on the front lawn today. The smaller warthogs were terrified of him, but mommy hog was simply curious and they almost touched snouts before uncertainty caused her to flee.

Jimmy has a few strange traits and I witnessed one of them earlier today. Blow me down if he wasn't licking a dog's bone on the lawn! See the pictures below. All I can think of is that he needs some salt. Do you reckon I'm correct? Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

When I found Jimmy, we estimated him to weigh about 60 kg's. I reckon he is now well over 100. Although he is a placid and loving guy, he is also super tough and possesses unbelievable strength for an animal his size and age. The strength in his shoulders and neck, specifically, is awesome. I would hate to see the fellow who is butted by him when he's a fully mature rhino! I hope it's not me but it probably will be! When Jimmy arrived at Roger and Anne's house a few months ago, he could fit under the tea table. Now, his back is inches higher than that table, and he collides with it on a regular basis, smashing cups, saucers etc. Though still a tiny stump, Jimmy's horn is also growing. Most of you will already know that a rhino's sight is very poor, but their other senses make up for that, believe me. Jimmy's hearing and sense of smell are phenomenal. He identifies people by sound and smell.

Although Jimmy clearly loves Anne more than any other, he has a definite soft spot for me. I like to think that this is because he remembers that I am the one who found him. I spend a great deal of time with Jimmy when I'm here on Humani, and we have become firm friends.

Jimmy is fast asleep in his little sleeping hut about 5 metres from where I now write. We all love him dearly and we pray that his story has a happy ending.

I shall write more as I think of more to write.

Roger Whittall Safaris 2007 hunting season update coming soon.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of Jimmy and others in his life.


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Jimmy relaxing with Joanna and James, Guy and Hannah Whittall's children

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Hanging with Mabel the cow. A disinterested Mirinda (I thought it was Buffy!) the orphan buffalo can be seen in the background

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Catching up on some correspondence with Anne Whittall in the lounge

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Strange behaviour - licking a bone

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With apprentice PH Jason

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Do I smell that bloody picture taker again?

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Okay, I'll let you take my picture, if you let me suck your finger

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