I have seen it many times.. One instance in RSA in 1995 wherein a witchdoctor purchased a 12 year old boy, cut his throat, butchered him, made jerky, ground the jerky up into powder and sold little bottles of junior to the old men in the villages to make them potent...I saw him hang for his crime, if it can be called a crime, to him and those involved it was not....Only to us was it a crime...Makes one wonder who is right and who is wrong...All things are relevent. I witnessed a witchdoctor circumsize some maidens some years back. I have seen many medicines for sale concocted from human parts and I know of cannabalism which is more common than many think...Newborn children borned feet first or fed to the Hyenas as is grandma when she is too old to be of any use and they invented a new meaning to the term wife swapping....We can make them politicians, and head of the UN or whatever but when they come home to Africa, she takes them back...They can turn the mildest of camp staff into cold blooded killers with a few beads, ashes and words.... Africa is still in the bush, hope it never changes. |