Comments on another thread bring up an interesting question- Is DG hunting still "hunting" when a longer than normal shot is taken?? I shoot Elk at long range and have no qualms about it but the distance to the animal can vary from 25 yards to 450 depending on the situation encountered.Is the elk being taken as a sniper would take his target? Yes.Is it ethical? If you can make the shot--yes. Elk are NOT DG though-- Completely different consequences here. If I am going to go after DG I wish to be sure to make a fatal shot due to the horrible potential complications possible. Closer is better. How far is too far?? I feel that reasonable limits of an accurate fatal shot are still hunting and not "sniping" if this term is meant in a derogatory fashion.The animal will be dead with either shot. I would agree that longer than usual ranges does take the" D out of Dangerous game". But if I just want that euphoria I can always get really close and use a bow or a spear instead of a rifle. I guess it all depends on the hunter and his rifle skills/comfort level. What do others think? |