Gryphon, I think I've looked at some of your deer hunting photos before. Very impressive and the hunting area looks quite neat too. Were your photos of rusa? BTW- Growing up I had a wonderful golden retriever named Gryphon. He was my buddy in all my travels through the woods and countryside. I always traveled alone but had my dog with me. He was quite a lap dog and loved everybody. He surprised me once when we were several miles from "anywear" and two vicious stray dogs came running through the woods at me. I was certain I was dog food as the trees were all very large where I was and there was no way to climb any. Picture them basically frothing at the mouth at a dead run and they were growling and snapping as they closed in. My dog intercepted them and totally kicked dog ass! I'll never forget seeing him meet them head on as they all rose up on their hind legs to fight. What a sight. |