I just received these two titles from Country Sport Press, and they're books that are absolutely indispensible, must-reads that you'll want in you permanent collection of African hunting books.
"Dangerous Game Rifles" and "A View From A Tall Hill: Robert Ruark In Africa", both by Terry Wieland.
I agree Allen, the "DANGEROUS GAME RIFLES" is a great book, it is one of his best writings so far, and he has many in The verious gun mags. I wasn't aware of the other book, "A VIEW FROM A TALL HILL" but I'll give it a look! The DGR book is printed with small fonts, so is a very long book in it's 340 pages or so. The photography is a plus in that book as well. There were some exclusions of makers in this book but it would take a book three time that big to cover them all, even lightly.