Gentlemen, this is the same as the person who is looking down the barrel of his own pistol,but waiting for the police to get to them to keep the robber from killing them. Doesn't make much sence does it? It makes no more sence to think the PH is going to save your butt, when you shoot a bite-back with a pop gun, and only make him mad, than it does to wait for the cops, rather than shooting back. Your safety, as a client hunter, is the PH's responcibility, within reason! By that I mean the PH is only a man, not God, and he can only do what he can do. He, in fact, may be the first one hit by a Buffalo, or lion, and if that happens any hunter worth his salt, will at least attempt to shoot the animal off the PH. I have never had a PH that I would not trust with my life, but I'm damn sure going to be watching out for this old boy myself, and will damn sure not abandon the PH if he's in trouble. Any PH who refused to go into the weeds with me to sort out a wounded lion, will soon find himself on report, as soon as I get back to town! Like Marakai,I might use a sub size rifle to shoot Buffalo, if hunting by myself, but also like him, I wouldn't reccomend it to anyone else. However, when a PH reccomends all solids for all rifles, when a mixed bag is on the minue, should put up a flag in the mind of even the NOVICE! |