While hunting rattlesnakes in Arizona a few years back, I nearly stepped on one. I somehow reversed direction and flew UP in the air in what must have appeared to have been in defiance of laws of physics. When I landed a couple feet back the rattler struck and just missed my leg, coming up short. He was dead a few moments later and we ate him for dinner along with 6 or 7 others... we shaked and baked them and raosted them on sticks the tribal way.... yupper tasted like chicken too.
Snakes are not what terror me, I would have to say what CONCERNS ME is getting bitten by something small like a spide in my sleep and waking up paralyzed or unable to function... Although getting eaten alive by any BIG animal is MORE of a TERROR than the bitten during sleep thing. THAT is terror: Eaten alive. Yuck. I guess that is why we carry big doubles, huh?