-- Taken well broken-in boots, and socks that work properly with those same boots -- Take rifles chambered for standard factory cartridges, and properly headstamped ammunition. Leave all wildcats and weird, obscure factory chamberings at home -- Take an extra scope that's already sighted-in for your main rifle, plus a few basic screwdrivers and gun repair tools -- Keep you passport with you at all times, and keep it in a waterproof cover; a sandwich-size Ziplock bag will do -- Take it easy on the booze. Don't get hammered every night,. and don't try to get into some sort of a drinking contest with your PH. All sorts of good reasons to be moderate in this department........... -- Always take a lens brush and lense cleaning tissues and solutions -- Take at least two good books, plus a magazine or two -- Take a journal, plus a notepad and a couple of pens. I've found that Fisher's pocket-size "Space Pen" writes on anything, even upside-down, and lasts forever -- ALWAYS carry a pair of good leather gloves, and I've long-since found that Churchill's "Western Glove" is about as good as gloves get. They'll save you from countless cuts and abrasions......... -- Sawyer brand insect repellants and sunscreens are the best I've ever used -- Ballcaps are more practical and less of a hassle that wide-brim safari-style hats. I always take and extra cap as well, just in case. -- Wipe your rifle and bolt off with a simple silicone rag at night, every night, to get rid of the day's accumulation of dust and dirt. Oils and greases should be avoided, since they attract dust, and African is a very dusty place as a rule..... -- Surefire flashlights are indeed worth the money, and out-perform everyhting else on the market. Always have one in your kit. AD |