(.400 member)
18/04/06 11:27 AM

For thus of us who have NOT BEEN to Africa maybe some not so subtle hints are needed to have a fun hunt---

Some obvious ones--

Don't ask 50 times "when will we be there?"!!

Don't bring your high velocity "utrazapper" with its 170 DB muzzlebreak! You know! The hyper velocity big bore you have just shot 5 times before bring on your safari! Maybe you should ask your PH's advice?!

Don't pack all camoflage clothes where it is prohibited!!

Don't comment about your meticulous food preferences unless allergic!!

Don't make wonderful comments about your marksmanship--you surely will be doomed to miss everything and be unable to hit the broad side of a barn!!

Don't interfere with your hunt by getting sloshed every PM and being unable to hunt the following morn!!

Don't go for long walks at night unarmed around camp-YOU"RE IN AFRICA DUDE!!

Don't be unable to keep up with the PH or follow his hand signals given while facing big trophies or maybe the Buff of the season!!

and for sure---
Don't be the unfit slowest one in your stalking & tracking cause if attacked and everyone hauls butt---
guess who will be EASY PICKIN"S??!!

Forum members, any other pearls for us African newbies??

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