At the turn of the 19th century Europeans, Americans and others went to Africa for the "Great Adventure" and often to seek a fortune or a better life. Malaria prevention was drinking gin and tonics, solar spine protectors kept the noon Sun fevers at bay, and the back up if things went wrong wasn't often there at all. Now we have luxury safaris, medivac planes, PH's who shoot your elephant for you and fences to keep the eating beasts out of your tent. Alright the Zimbabweans are doing their best to drive their country back to the stone age except they will this time have no animals but so far almost all clients have come and gone without any serious personal danger. But we still have fears to go there or elsewhere. While a lot of this is now unavoidable as hunting is now a business and an export industry for these countries I wonder how many of us would set out to say Zimbabwe or East Africa if the conditions were like they were in 1910? Just a comment for discussion. |