The short and common name for hydroxychloroquine is Doxy. Gives some people weird dreams others not so. Some brands make you drowsy/lethargic. Also makes the skin sensitive to sun light which leads to sunburning easily It was originally developed as an anti-acne drug. Not good for you if taken continuously over a long period. It certainly is more pleasant to take than Quine. I contracted Malaria as a kid. Came down with it once we were back from 2 years in PNG. Would of picked it up on our way home when we stayed in Port Moresby for a week on the way home. No Malaria mossies in Mt Hagen. Back then there were two types of Malaria, a reoccurring and non-reoccurring type. I, thankfully had the non-reoccurring type. Now Drs tell me that all Marlia is reoccurring. I tell them that both my father and I had the non-reoccurring type and there are no signs in the blood when tested for it. |