NitroX, The real answer is "it depends". There are different "procedures" and price lists for international hunters as opposed to local (biltong) hunters. My experience is limited to RSA and Namibia, but in these areas the meat is owned by the landowner, not the international. In most instances this is not a big deal because you have no place to put 200 kg of kudu. For local hunters, they do get the meat or half the meat, the rest going to the landowner. Then the local can sell the meat to a butcher or keep it for himself. If you sell it to a butcher, you can currently expect about 1.20 USD per kilo. This is used to offset the cost of your hunting which can be a good deal. If the rancher keeps it, it is used for his own purpose, feeding ranch staff, sold to the butcher or donated to food pantries in the area. I have seen all these end uses for the places in Namibia. When hunting tribal areas, the meat goes to the local tribes for their use and distribution. BigBullet |