Why did the buffalo make a bee line for them from the beginning? Is there a truck behind used to dump cattle pellets or hay bales? Maybe I am cynical about South African buffalo hunts. Maybe the waterhole is behind? The video is by Pierre Van Wyk whom I hunted with in 2001 for Cape Buffalo in the Gwayi and Matetsi Safari areas. He isn't the PH or outfitter, Tam or something, he is doing the videos now. Exciting buffalo charge at the end. Avoidable possibly by better shooting. Another trophy shot by PH or maybe the other guy. The voice sounds like a TV show hunter's voice (?). The use of sticks by clients for close range shooting shows somany clients need to learn how to shhot. Also how to work their bolts. Looks like a Sauer 202 Takedown. Running and charging target practice helps iron out some of these issues. Shooting at paper from a bench is a waste of time. |