There are old pictures from the german colonies of New Guinea. The black people from the german auxiliary troops don't look very typical melanesian.
having lived in the coastal and mountainous areas of PNG I can say they are not from PNG. Not aware of the Germans bringing Africans or similar to PNG. Being not aware of it does not mean they didn't.
What do you think? Amy chance of the Moluccan Rusa deer hunting on the Bensbach Plains and similar places every re-opening again?
Did you ever do any hunting in PNG?
Maybe start up a new thread, if you wish to answer in detail.
I would also love to hear of your experiences in PNG as well.
I was only a kid while up there so not too much to tell. What I did observe of the world while up there certainly influenced my knowledge of people, customs, beliefs and general view on life to some extent. This was back in the mid 60's.
Yes there was racism up there but there was also a lot of people who weren't but called a spade a spade and not a Fulcrum principled, manually operated piece of earth moving equipment.
Come to think of it I will start a thread on my days off next week. There are some funny tales and interesting observations.