obviously one nearly worked and the other not. Can anybody help. Was a hunt in the town district of Kimberley in the Northern Cape Province of South-Africa. We were on our way back to camp to get ready for the rugby game between South-Africa and France when we got sight of this animal.It dissapeared around the side of the "koppie"(little hill)Iwas the first one to nominate the animal for myself and jumped of the vehicle with my 460wby mag.My loads was 400gr solids reaching velocity of about 2500ftps.I stalked alone around the "koppie" and noticed that the bull went a little bit up the "koppie".I moved into an spot where I could see the whole animal.Took rest on the side of a camel thorn tree.Now my scope on the 460 is only a pointer and there is no magnification(Lynx RDC-1 Red dot)The hartebeest was about 200m away and I was tempted to try the shot.He was facing me and I thought of a chest shot.With no wind and good conditions the odds was on my side.I then thought about the cost of the animal and my wallet and decided to get a bit closer.I stalked around the right and came out on the same level as the hartebeest on the "koppie".He was still facing in the direction of my first position so now he was quatering left front towards me but not to much.Still good for a broad side shot.There wasnt any good place to shoot from and it was still a bit far to take a shot out of the face.I crawled forward on al fours to a small schrub about 10 meters in front of me.Suddenly the hartebeest turned and faced me snorting.I waited a couple of minutes that felt like hours and he turned again broadside.Here is my chance !!!!!!! I pumped him with the solid on the left shoulder and the bullet excited on the rihgt, just low and behind the right shoulder.It was about 110m.He dropped just there and then with a few spasmodic kicks.Dragged him down the hill a bit and waited for the rest of the party to help with the loading.On this same trip I also shot 2 springbuck and a nice warthog.My 3 friends that went with shot 9 springbuck,1 impala and 3 blesbuck so in total we got 17 animals for the weekend. |